Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Return Visit, Very Nicely Documented

     China thinks we are too old to adopt again (and there are days when I would have to agree with them). But that doesn't mean that we will never return to the country where our daughters were born for a visit.

     Most of us who have adopted kids from China dream of one day taking them back to see and learn more  about their country. A new DVD from Tai-Kai Productions, called Found in China, tells the story of a group of adoptive parents and their 9-13 year-old daughters that made just such a visit.

     The first part of the story shows the young girls exploring the sights in a country they had not seen since they left as infants or toddlers. But this is much more than just a travelogue. Interviews with the young girls and their families help explain the feelings that they all experience as they tour.

     The second part of the tale is even more moving as some of the families visit the orphanages (and in a few cases even the "finding places") where the girls' adoption stories actually began. The emotions of all the people involved are evident. And once again, the interviews do an excellent job of letting the viewer into the thoughts of the girls and their parents.

     All in all, Found in China does a great job of presenting the range of feelings that families on a visit like this might experience. And that makes it a good resource for families who are considering "heritage tours" of their own and for adoptive parents who want to try and understand better what their kids have to come to grips with emotionally as they get a little older and start thinking about "where they came from."

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